There are people in this area, Rim country above 5,000 ft elevation, that kayak year round. Over in Prescott the local kayak club apparently goes out and breaks ice on their ponds! I'm not that desperate, yet - LOL.
This is the season for working on my kayak. The next project is probably going to be a cradle that will allow me to set the kayak level on a set of sawhorses. Bending over with the kayak on the garage floor is too hard and some of the upcoming projects will require that the kayak be level or close to level so that the camera mounts can be pre-aligned.
There are also a small group of "it would be nice" projects that never got finished last summer. Woke up this morning with 8" of fresh snow on the ground. When this happens the Forest Service typically closes the access roads to the great lakes and reservoirs we normally would be kayaking on.
Will start posting in the next weeks or so with updates on new projects. Enjoy.