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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Adding a bungee hold down

Yesterday was a bit frustrating. I thought it would be a simple installation, but one of the details took longer than expected.

The pad eyes were fairly easy to do, but putting the locking hook eye onto the ends of the bungee cord proved to take more time than I had anticipated. I tried contacting the manufacturer but seems they were out of the office till next week.

Thank goodness for the Internet. After checking several other manufacturers sites the critical step made finishing the project actually rather simple. Pictures of the installation and details on how to put close fitting ends on to bungee cords are on the website.

Kayak Storage

Good day today. After installing the bungee cord hold down on the bow of the kayak yesterday I decided that today would be a good day to hang the kayak.

A couple of months ago I had ordered the NRS Kayak Hanger from Austin Canoe and Kayak. There are a number of interesting ways to store a kayak. Some are more expensive than others. Since I only have one kayak at present the type that are rigid, i.e. bolted to the wall or even free standing didn't offer the flexibility and price structure I was looking for.

I was able to simply drill two holes in the joists under a dry porch and put in two screw eyes. The straps have good hardware (S-hooks) and buckles that made lifting the kayak a few feet was really easy.

Details of the installation are available at the website - Herb's Kayak.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weather in Pine

Yesterday Diana and I went to town and to the Ponderosa Market. While at the checkout one of the customers was talking about taking his boat to Blue Ridge Reservoir today. I think the road is still closed.

This morning I think the road will definitely not be open, we had about 6" of snow overnight here at 5,500 foot elevation. The weather prediction is for up to 12" up on the Rim, which is 7,000' elevation. If the boater was up at the reservoir on the Rim, he may be there for a couple of days.

Picture Problem

After a long hike last weekend in warmer than expected weather I accidentally left my small digital camera in a lower pocket of my cargo pants. Since everything was soaked with perspiration I immediately did a load of wash. It wasn't until I was transferring the clothes to the dryer that I noticed something heavier in the pants. The LCD viewfinder on the back of the camera looked like a fishbowl, about half full of water.

I liked the camera, a Panasonic Lumix so I am looking at newer versions of the same camera. A couple of surprises. The original camera was 5 years old and the current model in the same range is now waterproof to 60 feet under water and is shockproof (dropped) safe up to 6 feet.

A waterproof camera is something I'm interested in for kayaking obviously. It also takes HD video as well as stills with over twice the pixels as my old camera. I had been looking at the HERO camera which is more oriented to video than stills, but in the same price range.

A bit more looking at reviews, etc is in order before deciding. The HERO is used by many kayakers to record their adventures and there are numerous YouTube videos to look at.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Small Addition

Had a great week up in Pine. The weather was beautiful, hitting 80 degrees a couple of the days while it also hit 100 in the Valley. It is hard to imagine that the road to Blue Ridge Reservoir is still closed.

Blue Ridge is up on the Rim which is about 2,000 feet higher in elevation. The Winter snow pack is still evident up there. Our neighbors come up from Phoenix via I-17 to Camp Verde and then across SR 260 through Strawberry. Tom said that there was still snow at the intersection where you turn to come down through Strawberry and into Pine.

I had hoped to do more work on the kayak while up here but spent most of my time adding an access door to the space under the front decking. In the process we're replacing the wooden lattice with more durable plastic lattice made from recycled milk bottles. This will provide a place to store the kayak out of the weather.

Wednesday morning I did manage to install the drain plug on the kayak. This was another item available from Austin Canoe and Kayak. There was already a pad in the hull so that where to mount it was not an issue. Check out the website to see more.